POLIBITS, Vol. 57, pp. 5-17, 2018.
Abstract: optimization, set covering problem, constraint satisfaction, binary black hole algorithm, soccer league competition algorithm, algorithm adaptation, algorithm comparison
Keywords: The development of techniques to solve the Set Covering Problem (SCP) have given rise a wide range of metaheuristic alternatives, some of them designed from the beginning to operate in binary search spaces, and other considering continuous spaces that requires adaptation intended to work with binary spaces. Black Hole and Soccer League Competition they were designed to work with continuous spaces and they have been adapted to operate in binary spaces: Binary Black Hole and Binary Soccer League Competition, respectively, aimed to solve problems in a binary domain, particularly the SCP. The present paper compare both implementation in a statistical way, involving the use of non-parametric tests and supported by R statistical computing enviroment, considering regularity and consistency of their results when both algorithm implementations are tested on the same benchmark sets.
PDF: Comparing the Black Hole and the Soccer League Competition Algorithms Solving the Set Covering Problem
PDF: Comparing the Black Hole and the Soccer League Competition Algorithms Solving the Set Covering Problem
Table of contents of POLIBITS 57